So, I just stumbled upon KU who had my toothbrush down his pants. Should I just end my life now or wait for him to do me in?
Alicia at 9:48pm June 29
HA!!!! Oh my. THAT was not the first thing I expected to read upon opening facebook this evening! Oh wow. The mental picture.
Well...I think I'd just be glad I caught him doing, get a new toothbrush and lock it away somewhere safe!!
Barbara at 9:50pm June 29
I am laughing hysterically!!!!! (honest, sorry, I can't stop). Cheryl, you need to write a book about your life with Kullen and Karson.
Amy at 9:51pm June 29
Holy cow, Cheryl. I don't know what to say. Just try not to think about how many times he has done that.
Kindra at 10:10pm June 29
I'm dying to know what his explanation was...
Robin at 10:13pm June 29
Sorry, can't stop laughing here.
Erin at 10:25pm June 29
I'm with Robin. I'm also about to tell hubby and I'm pretty sure he's going to lose it :-)
Erin at 10:28pm June 29
In NJ, we are wondering how often he's done that BEFORE you brushed your teeth???? LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kindra at 10:30pm June 29
I hope you use Listerine after you brush!
and on it went. I guess I will be counting toothbrushes instead of sheep tonight!!! UGH!!!